hero gymnastics


Therapeutic gymnastics

The most important practice that allows the patient to improve and maintain his quality of life is therapeutic gymnastics.


Therapeutic gymnastics is a number of exercises determined by the patient and the therapist jointly. They must be executed by the patient during and after the end of the number of sessions together at Physiolysis Centre.

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At Physiolysis Centre we have created a “play-space” complete with the most specialized and updated rehabilitation equipment and not just typical gym machines to allow you to apply therapeutic gymnastics within our premises. Our objective and promise to you remains’ solid and clear through all of our procedures, customised physiotherapy services aiming the patients smooth and methodical rehabilitation.

Therapeutic gymnastics have two fundamental styles: core stability and muscular reinforcement (proprioception, neuromuscular coordination). In the previous style special techniques are applied on the deep stabilizing muscles of the lumbar and cervical spine. Τhe latter style concerns patients suffering muscular conditions and patients practicing intense physical activity going through an injury.

Τη Σταθεροποίηση Σπονδυλικής Στήλης (core stability).

Εφαρμόζονται ειδικές τεχνικές μυϊκής ενδυνάμωσης και συντονισμού των εν τω βαθύ σταθεροποιητικών μυών της οσφυϊκής και αυχενικής μοίρας της σπονδυλικής στήλης.

Tη Μυϊκή Ενδυνάμωση (ιδιοδεκτικότητα, νευρομυϊκός συντονισμός).

Αφορά όλους τους ασθενείς με μυϊκά προβλήματα αλλά και ασθενείς με έντονη αθλητική δραστηριότητα, που έχουν υποστεί αθλητική κάκωση.

The professional therapist always bears in mind that he ought to “educate” the patient besides helping him recover.

This means that he must give the patient a full picture of natural frictions he should expect in the course of the years and about the ones that have already appeared. Finally, after the patient has completed his therapy and coaching with us, he will be able to listen to his body and handle it accordingly.

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