Meet the team

Our Physiotherapists

The heart and soul of the Physiolysis Physiotherapy Centre are Thomas & Dimitris Pelekanos.


They are two young dynamic physiotherapists that apply up to date techniques and never seize to retrain in the fastest growing paramedical market of the past two centuries.


The same way a doctor, that respects himself, participates in seminars, follows developments regarding techniques and new therapies that will sooth the injured, Thomas and Dimitris make sure they master all therapeutic techniques regarding musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory or neurological conditions that will sooth patients.

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Dimitris Pelekanos

Dimitris Pelekanos is a CGS 1998 Alumnus. On December of the same year, he was admitted to the Physiotherapy Department of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens.

Thomas Pelekanos

Following his High School graduation from Kosteas-Geitonas/CGS, Thomas kicked off his studies at the Physiotherapy Department of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Thessaloniki.

Eythalia Gargali

Gargali Eythalia graduated in 2007 from 1st High School of Neo Irakleio in Attica, Greece. In February 2008 she started studying at the Physiotherapy Department of the Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Athens.

Ειρήνη Κουτή

Απόφοιτη Α.Τ.Ε.Ι Λαμίας, τμήμα Φυσικοθεραπείας. Ολοκλήρωση σεμιναρίου με τίτλο “Medical Taping”, ΚΕΣΥ epimorfosis, Θεσσαλονίκη. Ολοκλήρωση σεμιναρίου με τίτλο”Καρδιοπνευμονική Αναζωογόνηση και Πρώτες Βοήθειες” ΕΚΠΑ.