hero clinical exam

1st visit

Clinical examination

The first visit to the Physiolysis Physiotherapy Centre is the most crucial.


Our first interaction, after a thorough clinical test, will allow us to have a full perspective of the heart of the problem. After taking into consideration the Doctors’ medical assessment too, we will be able to diagnose and finally, shape a meticulous physiotherapy plan for you.


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At Physiolysis Physiotherapy Centre a humane approach is the best approach. During our first interaction, post examination, we explain the issue to you to a full extent using visual content and a manikin so that you fully understand the damage, the condition or the trauma and its source.


The final stage of the first interaction with us is the formulation of the rehabilitation plan.


The steps are as follows:


  • Goal setting
  • Technique shaping
  • Exercise planning
  • Rehabilitation process time frame