Beach life and pickle ball without accidents

Beach life and pickle ball without accidents

  • Looming dangers
  • Prepping for battledore on the beach
  • Our approach

The weather is improving day by day and the beach is starting to flood with pickle ball players. Many of you choose pickle ball on the beach as a way to get physical activity. Pickle ball on the beach demands for specific prepping if you want to avoid getting hurt. Shoulder and upper arm joint injuries (elbow, wrist, fingers) are the most common damages a pickle ball player can suffer. Proper prepping means strengthening exercises before the match, choosing the right bat for your body (weight/shape) and gradually increasing the difficulty level of the game (speed/duration).



Just like in every sport pickle ball on the beach demands for a solid torso, steady shoulders and a balanced strengthening of the rotator cuff, to avoid any musculoskeletal injuries. At Physiolysis Rehabilitation Centre, our physiotherapists may offer you a fully customized exercise program that will help your body cope with the sports’ requirements based on a simple upper joint muscle power test.


Through this customized program you will be able to increase your potential with the least pressure on your musculoskeletal system.