Dietary requirements for an athlete

Dietary requirements for an athlete

Athletes are a group of individuals that need a special dietary plan due to the surplus of energy they consume and the frequent muscular strain. Especially when it comes to young age, athletes must absolutely fulfill their dietary needs as their development is not. culminated and training is highly demanding. In case their dietary needs are not met they might demonstrate symptoms like muscular pain, cramps and exhaustion. To be more exact, young athletes under the age of 18 need a higher intake of vitamins such as B6, Biotin and Folic acid. Lack of the previous may cause muscular spasms and lack of the latter may cause exhaustion.


As far as minerals are concerned, the intake of calcium and magnesium is imperative in order to avoid muscular cramps and muscular spasms. In conclusion, electrolytes, potassium and sodium plunge due to extreme perspiration and thus, if found in low volumes, this may cause muscular cramps as well and hence, it is essential to measure accordingly.


In order to address any kind of deficit and symptoms the athlete must follow certain rules of thumb. In practice, this could mean the intake of dietary supplements and rigorous choice of meals and foods.


Ekavi Georgakopoulou,
MSc Clinical Dietician
Graduate of the Charokopio University, Athens

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